Wilton Garden Club’s Conservation Committee: Education Exhibits
Welcome! If you’ve arrived here by scanning the exhibits’ QR code, thank you for scanning! Here you’ll find the online part of a set of two conservation education exhibits originally created for the Wilton Garden Club's Centennial Flower Show, "A [...]
Wilton Garden Club: Centennial Celebration Slideshow 2022
Members’ Gardens Slideshow 2022
Wilton Garden Club: Cutting Workshop by Jerre Dawson 10/13/21
Un-Growing/Re-growing through Composting by Jackie Algon
There’s a lot of interest in composting these days. If you haven’t yet tried it, here’s a short synopsis on what it is, why it’s worthwhile, and various options for becoming a composter, or at least adopting compost as part [...]
Wilton Garden Club: Next Steps in Seed Starting by Jerre Dawson 2/10/21
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