by Home Advisor

If you like digging in the dirt, you might enjoy gardening, too. Growing a garden with your kids will help you learn about plants. You might grow flowers or vegetables in your yard or inside your home in containers. As you work to take care of your plants, you will need to make sure they get water and sun to grow.

Gardening Basics

To grow a garden, you will need space for planting, seeds or plants, and tools. An adult can help you work in a garden. Adults can also teach you about caring for plants. Always handle tools carefully with an adult’s supervision so you don’t get hurt.

Vegetable Gardens

Grow food for your family with a vegetable garden. Vegetable gardens can be any size, even as small as a container or two. Plant vegetables that you like or want to eat. You can then watch as they grow and develop into food that is ready to eat.

Flower Gardens

If you like colorful flowers, try growing some in your own garden. Flowers might bloom for one season only, or they could come back every year. Some flowers like the sun, and others like to grow in shady spots. Choose flowers in colors you like, and have fun tending them in your yard. If you need to, consult with a gardening contractor on which ones will thrive best in your climate.

Gardening Projects

Projects help you learn about gardening. You can even work on gardening projects during the winter. Try different projects, such as growing plants inside your home or growing a garden with a theme. An adult can help you plan a gardening project.